2009年10月29日 星期四

Exercise 7

The “battle of the sexes” started with Adam and Eve
it will probably continue forever and the opinion that mean are superior to women has long been accepted in many cultures. Because of the feminist movement is trying to change this view, so feminists claim that boys and girls are exactly equal at birth but become unequal because of the way they are treated by society. Though feminists believe education has contributed to the gender inequality, recent research contradicts the view that males and females are innately alike

2009年10月15日 星期四



  In the recent years, more and more women abort. Why do they don’t want their babies? I think there might be some reasons for them because there doesn’t have any mother want to abort. It is just like they kill their babies. And the reasons they abort might be they were too young to have baby, they can’t afford the baby, or the baby is a disability.

  According to those reasons, I thing many people might abort because of they were too young to have a baby. If they had a baby, they couldn’t bring he up when they were only teenagers. And the other reason that people abort might is the baby is a disability and the expectant mother has do the examination early. Because they can’t take care of theirselves when they grow up. People may think it is poor for them when they grow up and nobody can take care of them, so they abort.

  No mater what kind of reasons, I think babies are lives. No one can take their lives easily. It is not fair to them.

2009年10月8日 星期四


  In theses three weeks in Chaoyang University, I have met lots of new friends. Everyone is very friendly and easy to get along. And the different between university and senior high is we can choose some of the courses which we are interseting to. Also, we have much more free time to join some school club or anything else. I am very expectative our fresh man celebration, because only one time in four years and it seems a lot of fun. I wish 10/31 comes quickly!